Letters from Sarah

Master change with ritual: 5 keys

Master change with ritual: 5 keys

Sarah Sacks

As you know, I often write about rituals. Ritual is especially poignant for me, as in these past weeks, I witnessed my youngest child immersed in ritual graduate from school. ...

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Master change with ritual: 5 keys

Sarah Sacks

As you know, I often write about rituals. Ritual is especially poignant for me, as in these past weeks, I witnessed my youngest child immersed in ritual graduate from school. ...

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ritual at the cam store

Embracing change with ritual

Sarah Sacks

I often speak about the value of ritual. Those moments that we take to acknowledge transition.  I have been particularly reflecting on ritual as my family approaches a new era.   Some...

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Embracing change with ritual

Sarah Sacks

I often speak about the value of ritual. Those moments that we take to acknowledge transition.  I have been particularly reflecting on ritual as my family approaches a new era.   Some...

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self care at the calm store

The power of showing up

Sarah Sacks

Working as a mental health practitioner, I am witness to a wide spectrum of experience.  Stories of depression, grief, anxiety, and trauma are often a part of my day.  Some...

The power of showing up

Sarah Sacks

Working as a mental health practitioner, I am witness to a wide spectrum of experience.  Stories of depression, grief, anxiety, and trauma are often a part of my day.  Some...

winter solstice at the calm store

Honouring the winter solstice

Sarah Sacks

Winter is a time where everything lies dormant, the cold and the dark inviting rest and reflection.  As the days become shorter, this year more than ever I have been...

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Honouring the winter solstice

Sarah Sacks

Winter is a time where everything lies dormant, the cold and the dark inviting rest and reflection.  As the days become shorter, this year more than ever I have been...

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Valentine's day and ritual

Valentine's day and ritual

Sarah Sacks

Valentine’s Day is upon us.  A day when we are invited to express our love for another.  It is not entirely clear the origin of this practice. Some texts cite...

Valentine's day and ritual

Sarah Sacks

Valentine’s Day is upon us.  A day when we are invited to express our love for another.  It is not entirely clear the origin of this practice. Some texts cite...

How to support your sleep

How to support your sleep

Sarah Sacks

Foundational to our wellbeing, yet rarely sufficiently guarded, sleep is an area of therapy that constantly arises.  The relationship between sleep deprivation and wellbeing is real. When we are achieving...

How to support your sleep

Sarah Sacks

Foundational to our wellbeing, yet rarely sufficiently guarded, sleep is an area of therapy that constantly arises.  The relationship between sleep deprivation and wellbeing is real. When we are achieving...